Job Details: Mayfield Integrated Community Development Project: Resource Centre Worker (Part Time)

Irish Future
Talbot Street
Dublin 1
Mayfield Integrated Community Development Project: Resource Centre Worker (Part Time)


* *% of CSP supported employees must be
recruited from the following employment target groups:
* People who are in the workforce but unemployed and seeking to
return to work i.e., people who are in receipt of Jobseeker’s
Benefit (JB), Jobseekers Allowance (JA); people who are signing for
* Qualified Adults (Adult dependants of those in receipt of social
welfare payment)
* People with Disabilities (PWD) i.e. in receipt of Disability
Allowance, Blind Pension, Partial Capacity Benefit, or other
disability benefit
* Ex-prisoners or people with a criminal conviction who have been in
contact with the Probation Service
* Migrants
* Refugees
* Asylum Seekers
* Irish Travellers
* Roma
* One Parent Families (people who parent alone without sufficient
resources and are in receipt of social welfare payments)
* People who are deserted, separated, divorced or widowed (People in
receipt of Widow/er’s non-contributory pension, surviving Civil
Partner’s non-contributory pension, or deserted Wife’s
* Carers (people in receipt of Carer’s Allowance/Benefit who want
to return to the workforce)
* People who are homeless
* Stabilised and recovering drug misusers
* Ukrainians –Displaced by the War

We need : English (Good)

Type: Permanent
Category: Health

Apply for this Job Offer
Name: (*) 
Email: (*) 
Phone: (*) 
Please Provide a Cover in the English Language.
CV: (*) 
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